Saturday, February 28, 2015

Where do I find the curious metal pieces for my jewelry? My husband Bob Wislinski is chief finder. He happily walks roadways and parking lots for exercise and to find raw material for Entangled Jewelry. Some days he happens upon a debris field and fills his pockets. But one morning this week, I made the find.

I finished my run that grey morning up the street and saw that the apartment bloc there was rubble. Smashed. Condensed to so little. Soon to be erased. I walked the front edge of the debris and marveled at the shattered structure. Finds perhaps? Of course! At my feet lay scattered workings of some electronic device. I happily scooped them up and walked the post-run cool-down stretch home.

The rubble.

The finds.

The choice find. Stay tuned to see what it becomes.

I'm featured in Columbia Living Magazine

Rachel Haynie penned an "art seen" feature in Columbia Living Magazine on my creative pursuits. I love how Rachel structured the article, citing the creative spaces I move through each day. In the photo accompanying the online article I stand at my table amid collections of findings, tools and my creations. An artist's soulful chaos!

Here's the link to the online article. Please check it out!

Photo by Jay Browne, From Columbia Living Magazine.